Developing another flash game with SantoNinoDeCebu. Going to be a tile based puzzle game, which we think will be pretty good.
Also developing a game in Unity3D in my game design class. It's called "Element 0," and I have no idea if it's going to be good or not.
I have a studio class where I need to finish something by midterm, including 8 other projects that I'm supposed to show to my professors. 3 of those I posted already. Last one will probably be something similar but no idea what it'll be.
In my 3D class, I'm about to do my first non-tutorial based project, mostly using textures. Probably will have at least two more assignments in that class before spring break.
Bunch of still lifes in my painting class. Want to build my own canvas and make something huge by the end of the semester to beat Chris.
Finally I have a photo class. Just small projects every week or two, not sure what kinds of bigger projects we'll have.
I think I made this list just so I can get a sense of how much work I'm loading on myself this semester...